I’ll tell the world, piano and voice, I will not make noise, to get me out ..
The point is infinite, the space that my remains, in my words to say. The world does notrespond, would have too much to tell, too many people to be comforted; instill who am Ito ask to be heard, a voice of words as all, as a nobody, a blade of grass in the field, anote a song.
I’ll be there in my underwear, in your secret confidant, which is perhaps even my wordscosts, again for a reason, never thrown, for an award, do not try, words to make it clearthat there’s different ’, I I will tell the world.
Simplicity of a day of emotion words, words of sorrow, a song that I expose to the world,that limit does not scare, if you understand your heart, true essence, will and expression,in my corner, I will tell the world, He will not say anything, but the play of words is inwriting, not answers, silly thought, it may seem, I say humble in my stay.
Who am I, to give non-judgmental, always and only, words to tell, in a world thatincreasingly wants to hear.
Dialogues of the soul
I see me now, not in time but in space, search extreme, a man who is lost …
I talk to myself, but madness is not introspective, search the forces of the mind in its extreme, figure out who I am and what I was, you will do the same someday, but do not know if now, you see the world from the bottom, I from heaven elevation of the soul thathas no boundaries.
Mind neutral, mediates the positive and negative, dig areas of truth and absoluteness,meditation research nirvana ..
You do not believe, that what you see, tangible truth of the limit that you ask. Yourbreathing slow, is not energy, but survival, I would be in the air to absorb the flow, whichgives me energy for my stay.
I have the time and space you remember, the soul that listens and wants to understand,I’m not thinking that, you free to hear, truth or mysteries .. In the test of life, I would, but I’m not, but you would not find it, dialogue between us, between me dialogues.
The crosses of life
Born free, and walk your way, the uncertain fate ..
Who does not believe that anyone follow him, you do not see your shadow and you are away.
Everything glitters in his youth, and then appear in its neutral color, because you reach inyour development, growth man in the world that others have created.
All escapes, unless you want it, you seek only feelings, free love, a subject of comment.
Matter that fills the hearts and empty pockets, emotions from the loop without devotions,that storm comes and you do not know why, do not ask questions .. support the weight ofyour being a man in the world of others, you take and ask, but nothing is ever-changingmoments of life in knee and ask questions that you will not have answers.
God crosses to those who can bear it, truth to those who believe, acceptance of fate in ablizzard, a fate that is why …
Only the strength of your will find hope in your hands, keeping a heart that bleed whenwounded, is not love, not pain, but only the truth of a life you do not control, but if you liveto accept what, life and nothing more.
I …
Stage, which has no lights, no search and find all .. Words.
I am no more that what you want to see words divided into letters on paper, not an actor in the movie of life, are the words of a renewed life, read between the lines what is not, see sadness or pain but all this does not belong to me.
I have my free soul who wanders into emotions, I do not have anything, that my words, see what you want and tell me what you feel, I’ll stay to hear, words in letters not to tell, you expose yourself and can not find solutions, but outbursts in the soul free. I do not see what you want, but I see what you are looking for you in the words of others, looking for mirrors and you do not see that in words that you find yourself, your life, who will return with sacrifice and humility, you will see your way, as I found myself mine.
Thoughts into words make me get out of the darkness, no applause … I’m trying to express that I am free from schemes and fiction.
I do not sell illusions, and have the rest of the time, a trend that I tried and I found new life, nothing remains of the past to give a smile, you are looking for and can not find one at the bottom you already .. All or nothing you say, chance of a medal to be launched and to accept fate.
One day is a day and nothing will change. I expose myself but I do not see the dangers, the fears of the past have fought nobody and nothing will change my world.
Simple world of nothing, that does not belong to me, everything else just give her without asking anything ever wonder which you do not believe .. you see, you understand.
Do not argue, they deserve it, I am what I am, words written in paper, emotions exhibited against the current …
In my opinion, only one word chasing my soul, be happy doing what I want, without trying anything, all I had already left and are humble ..
Gone are the days, but I will be the same, in letters to make words .. I will do anything to stay.
Friendship neglected by the hypocrisy of the people, thinks and thinks no one gives, butall I want .. Unfounded.
Who considers himself the words freedom, who judges just do not feel the sentiment of friendship, can not hear and speak, speak into the void, hoping that his scream echoesincreases for non-truth.
Give a friend and give without saying … but does not say is who deserves will one daynot far away will be those times where you shake hands in a gesture, a show wherehugs sincere feeling, true.
Who says it did not real friends, maybe it was not touched by luck, perhaps it has sownfriendship, no judge them.
I’ve met few people, but real, as real as the air we breathe, true as what I feel in myheart, as the true hope to hear words of comfort, everything is true if we choose.
Perhaps we have been hurt and betrayed by his friends, but not real ones, which are fewand a few remain.
In us is the desire to reach out and to me this is the light of my life, nothing and no onewill change the vision of my life, made of subtle gestures and words ….
I believe and live the rest is nothing that no one remembers
And the world began again
We had made great achievements in medicine and technology, it was said that the ancient writings from the world would end in 2012, today we are still here 2020.
Too many promises were made in those years intrcorsero today, world hunger, curing diseases like cancer and AIDS, something went on other things were just words. Now the conquest of space had no secrets and the conquest of Mars seemed a distant memory, we went over.
For many years, peace between peoples seemed a done deal, there was talk of disarmament, nuclear power was only a source of energy, many years of progress saw before everything began to change. The findings were even more important, advanced technologies put men in a virtual way, everything seemed wonderful, a clean world had become less and less under the thumb of the elements that pollute the atmosphere, the air was pure and new forests to grow back recommenced lush, the animals were endangered populated again.
Everything seemed perfect, then the universal desire for power and domination began to be a given, I immediately resumed the old quarrels of the past, now in my mind were just memories and the egoism of some became increasingly dominant and beautiful things made in those years began to be put aside.
The ego of some predominated become an impetus, the ‘greed and selfishness they began to voice their words, words that grew, until then we became a people without borders and one without conflict. Then in a moment of madness someone pressed the button and start a conflict that brought the seeds in an instant destruction of our planet, which over the years had taken place and lymph, a moment was enough to start the inexorable end, just a few people to do this, but all was not lost, or so we thought … .. A moment of light enveloped us was the end, I found myself thrown into another dimension like a mirage in a new world, where there were no mirrors in buildings and skyscrapers, none of what I had seen was only natural to premordiale state.
My path led me to seek the essential, and in my journey in search of the vital sources I met a woman, beautifull, all seemed to start from scratch, the world seemed to start again, trovammi everything from animals to cover themselves with their fur with fruit to eat, the land was lush and the water pure, BEYOND the place where we were we saw a hill, inside me I was already happy with what I had, the memory of what was still alive inside me.
One day she insisted on going in search of something new, I will comply I left, we came to the hill and on top of it a wonderful tree, shining, with drooping branches and bright with red fruit hung, an irresistible desire to take them assaulted me, I had never seen anything like it was something not descivibile, in his majesty the Aber emanated a sense of life, but I decided I was careless to take a fruit from its branches.
Stretching out his hand for that red fruit all went out again and whispered a sound inside of me.
Even last night’s dream has stayed with me, the recurring dream, the dream of a better world, made of love and solidarity, where there are no boundaries, where men are all alike in our differences and conflicts are a thing.
Romantic Times ….
Lace now are memories of the past, like the carnivals of Venice 800 wonderful holidays masked dances and music of a majestic period, where under the facade of austerity were hidden stories of love and passion that is unparalleled and we emulate a period that has now had its day trying to make them romantic lovers. But when we lose in style with our beautiful young ladies played our illusions, we are aware of the damage it causes, but faded in the hunter does not change over the centuries, the evolution of elegance and going and endless stories of men of honor now remain in the past.
The modern world we circorda distorts the complexity of relations with the frantic search for the perfect person, it kills only wounds the heart of the people we love for a moment, regardless of a feeling which is removed at birth. It is to be strong, this is unfortunately a hunting instinct, a search of numbers to remember, an incessant movement that can not change.
Men as women live with simplicity the meeting dedicated to the eyes and too little time to the words, listen to the serenades and fall into a night of love is not always the story there is always a game that goes on in love, but find the courage to love and to give incondizzionatamente becomes less and less. It seems that everything becomes self-sufficient in this world, women now surrender to the failures of life and love stories go with the tears and remember the same things, men as trophies that tell a thousand stories and had a corner that cry if you left, but this does not roll away the desire of Amre and should not.
Repress the instinct is choking on the one hand, only the comparison with our inner self allows you to view with equanimity a future family and children, then my opinion will remain, as always, what I believe and I remain convinced that the comparison withstrong woman is not for everyone, but for a few destined to excel has always been and always will be.
Next to a great man there is always a great woman.
I do not judge the love of a night, instinct and passion that is generated at times goes beyond reason and by comparison, I do not have to judge who makes an important number of its prey and do not judge women who are and is looking for strong emotions of a moment.
Judge would understand the world in its overall integrity and this is impossible, I regret only the gains made with the emotions of gallantry and achievements made with flowers, words whispered softly, so soft as not to seem true, and I see that now is still looking for that time was made up of gestures and movements with an elegance that you do not see that often.
Absolute truth
We are always under siege, every day we deal with everyone, we think of ourselves and fill our ego pursuing the ideals that we believe will give us a status of elected members in the society that stifles the emotions on display, interact with others is becoming an all scream for us to listen, nobody wants to be left behind, no one gives up its say, it is not wrong to say who we are and what we think, there is a way of comuninare that focuses on common sense, just from the concept that absolute truth does not it is always possible, no one is divine, all heard a change that sell processed in the community where the truth must emerge must be able to listen, reflect and empathize with the individual that we are listening, the only way to dialogue is to achieve the respect for the opinions of others, and try once in your life to empathize with the other person, this leads to a true dialogue is not a clash of opinions, where the strongest and weakest right wrong, there are many opportunities to be exploited for try it once to understand the truth of others, we believe that we aware of our “if”, if we want to enlarge it, those who can not fill in this and scream or talk with a thousand words that seem to saturate the air is the second me a weak, unwilling to accept the truth of others, abandons his ego and has no true knowledge of himself and of his means, no one prevents them from people who know how to make judgments as if they were gurus, to improve and become humble in talking about opening his soul to the thoughts of others, would see a truth made of disjointed opinions and not made an “I” who want to appear powerful, as always this is my thought.
Thought that allows me to interact in harmony with all, to listen and not make judgments, I am no one to judge, I can at most give my opinion, but I see in everyday life, people always ready to do the against and claim to have, according to the absolute truth in their pocket, at most I think have a great desire to project their fears and their desires in a speech, repetitive screaming, so as not to admit the wrong that accompanies them, I do not I say this because I have the absolute truth in my pocket because I know I say this with humility Ascoli other words.
Dedicated to those who make judgments on the other makes it an art form, and does not realize that the first trial must do so themselves if they are not afraid of the result will come out.
THE JOURNEY INTO MEMORY In a journey through a life you can not remember the steps that have been written within us, as indelible marks in our memory as words written in a diary kept in the safe of our soul. We are always ready to remember the journey that has made us today, because tomorrow is marked by a mystery and we imagine that through our dreams and distant and intangible, remember it’s like an old book full of dust that sometimes goes read again to relive the moments of our life, which registered a growth of our character and person-level interior.
As fearless knights begin to face the life that is balanced between being children and teenagers divernare, everyone knows the competition and war for the first time in affirming who we are, we strive to look and resemble the mass, not we want to be excluded, marginalized, the pack becomes a lifeblood for us, makes us strong, proud and fearless, dress like fashion requires, we do not want to be different, we want to belong. We are always looking to see what we are, we approach, we comb strange for us to see, we are in a pack or group of friends who we are as a small family, do their initial experience, we share the choked emotions from fear to show us different, weak, sensitive, but bite the bullet and live in mass, we are not yet defined within us, we’ll post our myths in our rooms, we look alike, we see them unreachable and there, tomorrow itwe dream, we want our independence, which for us is far away, we begin to reflect ourselves but without big problems, we are still free from the world that imposes strict rules there, we go school, study for us when there is nothing that does not come intoclass, being with friends and dreaming, we’re young and carefree.
Everything begins to change, we are at a dark feel the need to follow nature, we take note and look, feel and electrical loads, Cerha something more than a flock of friends, we begin to be free and with all our consciousness of life inexperienced us towards growth, we are divenedo large, they approach the responsibilities, this allows us to see the goal that we set, our freedom to decide for us, do not listen to anybody, or only sometimes say we launched into the world, which we feel our own, we can control it in our minds, however experience will be many failures, failures are those that serve as weapons to be forfeited for the next battle of life, but we are fearless we are still inmaturi to understand, but we do great, we feel popular, full of ourselves, and if we talk about emotions are still kept on a leash, maybe every now and show the anger and rage, we are in the midst of the storm, which ones hormonal good to remember the moments where everything seemed possible, but this is now, once thought was different, not all rational instinct and the desire to believe to be the best, we are full of ego.
Love has no age, only an evolution, its strength is measured in passion and desire to get to a love incondizzionato is that if there is no sex makes us feel loved and protected well happy.
From the first in our young age we have the fire that makes fun of us, today and tomorrow amiano amiano another or another, something fast fast, but hot and intense, the moments become hours and hours day, we always think we do not sleep at our goal, we keep close to hand, the belt as if it were our own property, we want to protect it and we usually have that virus that is called jealousy, I call it virus because for me a little is good too becomes just a projection of our insecurities , shows a lack of awareness of our soul, if that does not make us happy shiny come into contact with a distorted reality, because when one is aware of the self we see things from the truth, without bias, because we are free, filled with pure excitement and energy to give, not take to see things that are not there, but who can inspire confidence and trust us.
Love changes over time, after spending those flashes in the pan that will soon die or Came off, we begin to become selective, we look at the physical aspect but also begins the person’s soul-searching, we are changing in irreversibly, is the internal growth that asks us is our heart, is disappointed that even if does not stop beating for what it meant feeling we call love, time passes and research sooner or later finds its happy island, weready to love her head and heart, we are ready to think of a couple’s life, we see a future and we are happy. Not all stories will reach the finish line, a matter of chemistry, the question of openness to others induviduo participating in our union; insecurity plays the role of spoiler, there is sometimes diverted to other people, then tell that person hasmore … … .. we’re lying to ourselves, we know we have some faults, we know that it did not speak to the open hearts, we know there siamoconvinti for some time that the person who thought love was not the right one, but cowards as we went forward, this will bring pain to someone, but also to ourselves, we dovremmi take responsibility to say it’s over. Everything will repeat until the sun and moon incotrerà his union will be forever, the union due to slow motion, heat and sharing unique, as the planets themselves, speak with an open heart, we understand our heat, we will enlarge to let us know with a glance, we will be free in body and mind mettremo available to the other person will find reassurance in us, almost like a child to its mother is a bond that only time will change as passion and fire, but never, never in the pure feeling of love that aleggerà forever.
All of our journey that we will be done a thousand experiences, love, joy and even sorrow, pain soffernza understood as a genuine soul, will be given to too many things, disappointment, loss, defeat, everything is part of a subtle game, I would say necessary, because only the suffering we become better people, never mind living a pain and then to hide behind our actions, everything needs to be addressed, you know, we have in our consciousness even make sense minimum if the things that happen, though not beautiful, look at the time of our lives emotions lenirà wounds that will take the pains with it, but we have to do to lose the rest in peace with our soul, not hiding or remprimendothing in a box inside our hearts, but making a clear analysis within ourselves, a path much longer and painful, but this is the only way that will allow us to see things in a fresh perspective, an experience that will we live with after a very calm, not easy to find that sense of open-mindedness it takes to this path, but there are those who find it and are benefiting a great awareness of what happened, not because of the unnecessary but can be accepted what life gives us life, sooner or later, though, I would say a personal way, we are only able to see the pain we feel over time and be able to express it as a souvenir of our memories, some real pain not you can heal completely, but you can only make it bearable, but it is enough in our life to discover the joy of living, and to show other people a smile, will still be a nice goal to find serenity in certain episodes, but remember not everything depends only on time but also by us.
After that, we have mentioned, in this road of memory, we tried to remember things long forgotten we enter the last phase of this virtual journey, evolution.
As everyone arrived at a certain point in our lives we begin to take our own way and live by the rules we have imposed in the course of our life, we changed, we know how affronatre daily life or at least we think, every person is following his dream, his passion grows and lives as a free and independent individual, I’d say everything seems set, but sometimes things can change in adulthood, with the thousand things we have done and learned we are not yet reached the end , is not the road that we took, there’s ‘elusive ego who lives and does everything for nutrilro, who is a slave to money and plans to buy happiness, there is’ one who sees everything in a negative way and which has no prospects, we are many and varied, a sure thing that you can change direction if we want, we do not always happen after a terrible event that makes us open our eyes suddenly, everything can be done even before, there are few people attaining an inner peace and see life in a positive way, but this does not limit anyone, we can, if we want to make a turn, depends on us and only us, in this case I speak of my evolution, which I have already written.
If you fall and you can not find the slope begins to think that there is always a way, you do not know if the way is right, but you try not to change anything, you’re stuck in a stalemate, if you can not fall down or get up, take a moment, close your eyes and think of who you are, stop waiting for something every day that you wake up, it starts to do things that you wanted to do and you never did, change direction and take conscience of yourself, you open that drawer that scares you within yourself and face your fears head on, a little at a time, you’ll see that start to be less heavy, not to think about what people think, if you see reflected / a, no matter what time you will, right, digs inside your soul and face who you are, do not stop, like the thoughts that plague you at times never stop, time’ll do the inhibitions that make you feel bound, you must be free to see who you are and what you think. A long and winding, I personally I’m still struggling with, but through yoga, meditation, ayurveda, I relearn to know me, to appreciate who I am to understand what I want, I get up in the morning and do not expect nothing, take what is there with a smile, I live and I’m free, I took a life to understand that I was under the thumb of my ego, now I check my ego, I express my emotions, all I know again, I want well just because some people see the good in people, so I do not step on, but keep calm and cool I must say my disappointment, this is something for everyone if you so desire, I have found my way and now have a new person, reborn, I hope for those who suffer and do not go over too well that they take a path of development, we are not designed to accept or not to bend my head why do not we find an alternative, we we are all destined to excel in our small, to be free, just be humble and try to change the basis of unbiased, anything is possible if we choose.
Thanks to people who, through their humility of mind have made light the way for those who had lost the path of peace, in giving himself a incondizzionata without ever asking for anything, thanks to the people who know that the world is important to also give a smile in a world where everything goes fast and sometimes leave behind those in need.
As fearless knights begin to face the life that is balanced between being children and teenagers divernare, everyone knows the competition and war for the first time in affirming who we are, we strive to look and resemble the mass, not we want to be excluded, marginalized, the pack becomes a lifeblood for us, makes us strong, proud and fearless, dress like fashion requires, we do not want to be different, we want to belong. We are always looking to see what we are, we approach, we comb strange for us to see, we are in a pack or group of friends who we are as a small family, do their initial experience, we share the choked emotions from fear to show us different, weak, sensitive, but bite the bullet and live in mass, we are not yet defined within us, we’ll post our myths in our rooms, we look alike, we see them unreachable and there, tomorrow itwe dream, we want our independence, which for us is far away, we begin to reflect ourselves but without big problems, we are still free from the world that imposes strict rules there, we go school, study for us when there is nothing that does not come intoclass, being with friends and dreaming, we’re young and carefree.
Everything begins to change, we are at a dark feel the need to follow nature, we take note and look, feel and electrical loads, Cerha something more than a flock of friends, we begin to be free and with all our consciousness of life inexperienced us towards growth, we are divenedo large, they approach the responsibilities, this allows us to see the goal that we set, our freedom to decide for us, do not listen to anybody, or only sometimes say we launched into the world, which we feel our own, we can control it in our minds, however experience will be many failures, failures are those that serve as weapons to be forfeited for the next battle of life, but we are fearless we are still inmaturi to understand, but we do great, we feel popular, full of ourselves, and if we talk about emotions are still kept on a leash, maybe every now and show the anger and rage, we are in the midst of the storm, which ones hormonal good to remember the moments where everything seemed possible, but this is now, once thought was different, not all rational instinct and the desire to believe to be the best, we are full of ego.
Love has no age, only an evolution, its strength is measured in passion and desire to get to a love incondizzionato is that if there is no sex makes us feel loved and protected well happy.
From the first in our young age we have the fire that makes fun of us, today and tomorrow amiano amiano another or another, something fast fast, but hot and intense, the moments become hours and hours day, we always think we do not sleep at our goal, we keep close to hand, the belt as if it were our own property, we want to protect it and we usually have that virus that is called jealousy, I call it virus because for me a little is good too becomes just a projection of our insecurities , shows a lack of awareness of our soul, if that does not make us happy shiny come into contact with a distorted reality, because when one is aware of the self we see things from the truth, without bias, because we are free, filled with pure excitement and energy to give, not take to see things that are not there, but who can inspire confidence and trust us.
Love changes over time, after spending those flashes in the pan that will soon die or Came off, we begin to become selective, we look at the physical aspect but also begins the person’s soul-searching, we are changing in irreversibly, is the internal growth that asks us is our heart, is disappointed that even if does not stop beating for what it meant feeling we call love, time passes and research sooner or later finds its happy island, weready to love her head and heart, we are ready to think of a couple’s life, we see a future and we are happy. Not all stories will reach the finish line, a matter of chemistry, the question of openness to others induviduo participating in our union; insecurity plays the role of spoiler, there is sometimes diverted to other people, then tell that person hasmore … … .. we’re lying to ourselves, we know we have some faults, we know that it did not speak to the open hearts, we know there siamoconvinti for some time that the person who thought love was not the right one, but cowards as we went forward, this will bring pain to someone, but also to ourselves, we dovremmi take responsibility to say it’s over. Everything will repeat until the sun and moon incotrerà his union will be forever, the union due to slow motion, heat and sharing unique, as the planets themselves, speak with an open heart, we understand our heat, we will enlarge to let us know with a glance, we will be free in body and mind mettremo available to the other person will find reassurance in us, almost like a child to its mother is a bond that only time will change as passion and fire, but never, never in the pure feeling of love that aleggerà forever.
All of our journey that we will be done a thousand experiences, love, joy and even sorrow, pain soffernza understood as a genuine soul, will be given to too many things, disappointment, loss, defeat, everything is part of a subtle game, I would say necessary, because only the suffering we become better people, never mind living a pain and then to hide behind our actions, everything needs to be addressed, you know, we have in our consciousness even make sense minimum if the things that happen, though not beautiful, look at the time of our lives emotions lenirà wounds that will take the pains with it, but we have to do to lose the rest in peace with our soul, not hiding or remprimendothing in a box inside our hearts, but making a clear analysis within ourselves, a path much longer and painful, but this is the only way that will allow us to see things in a fresh perspective, an experience that will we live with after a very calm, not easy to find that sense of open-mindedness it takes to this path, but there are those who find it and are benefiting a great awareness of what happened, not because of the unnecessary but can be accepted what life gives us life, sooner or later, though, I would say a personal way, we are only able to see the pain we feel over time and be able to express it as a souvenir of our memories, some real pain not you can heal completely, but you can only make it bearable, but it is enough in our life to discover the joy of living, and to show other people a smile, will still be a nice goal to find serenity in certain episodes, but remember not everything depends only on time but also by us.
After that, we have mentioned, in this road of memory, we tried to remember things long forgotten we enter the last phase of this virtual journey, evolution.
As everyone arrived at a certain point in our lives we begin to take our own way and live by the rules we have imposed in the course of our life, we changed, we know how affronatre daily life or at least we think, every person is following his dream, his passion grows and lives as a free and independent individual, I’d say everything seems set, but sometimes things can change in adulthood, with the thousand things we have done and learned we are not yet reached the end , is not the road that we took, there’s ‘elusive ego who lives and does everything for nutrilro, who is a slave to money and plans to buy happiness, there is’ one who sees everything in a negative way and which has no prospects, we are many and varied, a sure thing that you can change direction if we want, we do not always happen after a terrible event that makes us open our eyes suddenly, everything can be done even before, there are few people attaining an inner peace and see life in a positive way, but this does not limit anyone, we can, if we want to make a turn, depends on us and only us, in this case I speak of my evolution, which I have already written.
If you fall and you can not find the slope begins to think that there is always a way, you do not know if the way is right, but you try not to change anything, you’re stuck in a stalemate, if you can not fall down or get up, take a moment, close your eyes and think of who you are, stop waiting for something every day that you wake up, it starts to do things that you wanted to do and you never did, change direction and take conscience of yourself, you open that drawer that scares you within yourself and face your fears head on, a little at a time, you’ll see that start to be less heavy, not to think about what people think, if you see reflected / a, no matter what time you will, right, digs inside your soul and face who you are, do not stop, like the thoughts that plague you at times never stop, time’ll do the inhibitions that make you feel bound, you must be free to see who you are and what you think. A long and winding, I personally I’m still struggling with, but through yoga, meditation, ayurveda, I relearn to know me, to appreciate who I am to understand what I want, I get up in the morning and do not expect nothing, take what is there with a smile, I live and I’m free, I took a life to understand that I was under the thumb of my ego, now I check my ego, I express my emotions, all I know again, I want well just because some people see the good in people, so I do not step on, but keep calm and cool I must say my disappointment, this is something for everyone if you so desire, I have found my way and now have a new person, reborn, I hope for those who suffer and do not go over too well that they take a path of development, we are not designed to accept or not to bend my head why do not we find an alternative, we we are all destined to excel in our small, to be free, just be humble and try to change the basis of unbiased, anything is possible if we choose.
Thanks to people who, through their humility of mind have made light the way for those who had lost the path of peace, in giving himself a incondizzionata without ever asking for anything, thanks to the people who know that the world is important to also give a smile in a world where everything goes fast and sometimes leave behind those in need.
the man who would like to … Everything has changed, everything changes, we walk in the middle of a road without end, enormous trees do not move the sun, it is cold, the wind has kept his eyes closed, and the mind is absorbed, full of ideals that we believe are all, then keep going more and more cold and absorbed, they pass the hours and the concentration is always about what we do, the mind is filled solid ego that we think we have the value in what we do, only the results obtained, only praise, then after a day dedicated to prove who we are, begins the second journey to work that change the body, where sweat and talk as if we were heroes in having mountains instead of muscles. The mirror becomes a loyal friend, who tells the truth, that makes us feel imported, all this makes us full of ourselves.
But then when we were confronted with a feeling called love, and his hands toccani our hair and our bodies, we can excite us, but without ever reveal what it explodes inside, our practice is a symptom of Our close to the truth of the expression of a feeling, we expressed only when his hands caress our hair more, now when we think of fall injuries in mourning a lost love, and tells broad shoulders, this gesture for us called the outburst, but the truth that we have a weakness, we do not want to see, but only for a sense of belonging, it is not all like that, but they are few and rare men who know how to communicate with the heart, speak the truth the purity of a mind not misled over and over again from that animal instinct that we sometimes take, there are few men who refuse to be controlled by several centimeters quell’appendice that nature gave us, but now these people who are a rarity to say the women are strong and there too, the year a mind that Climb every mountain, and once even they are put to the test, show a strongly motivated by a calm mind is not pure Forvo from demonstrating, with their know a few words to reassure and protect what they love, but never impose themselves by their words, musical notes of love, which go straight to the heart, surrounding a beauty that time can not change, because the weather will change our bodies but our soul will remain unchanged over time. There are two races in a single sex, it is up to women to decide whether the appearance is more important than the essence, there is no better or worse than men in this respect, it is for those looking for a man the choice, women are the dominatrci of this choice, aware that at times took a huge universe of individuals are not clear what is best for them, but over time each person is a suitable choice, which if done with awareness of the truth they find in them makes them happy ever, otherwise you submit to the search of the man who makes women in every respect, turning the page on that book that we call life between men and women meet.
Infinite Love
One thing that unites people in the universe is the feeling in its purest form “love” many times we wondered who would be a good person or that we continue to see the stereotypes that we were being offered by media images, then as the reality was much more going on in chasing our dreams fell down as if in troubled situations within the sea of emotions we were always in the storm, this was the age of adolescence with something that no one forgets her gale emotions and tears made to have felt riufiutati and wounded by a strong but fast situation, then as always we remain even if we do not want to find something or someone, tell that our freedom is being independent, with no one to which we want accountability, but in truth, there racconntiamo a dream that fills our lack of love and as time goes on we want more love, love the only thing I know to change our emotional state more than one drug, the feeling is so intoxicating in the first moments of a birth of a report that we walk over the sky and so we move forward in our history.
The story that we undertake is sometimes closed, truncated or betrayed and we fall into the abyss of the deepest pain, we reject the reality of things within us, we give an apology, we try to mend things that are not repaired, because only in our consciousnessthere is the acceptance that life has given us a sign, and that’s up to us to understand the positive thing when the wound is healed, then after several attempts and finally falls as for all people, comes the storm that triggers the Acquaintances of individual lightning perfect for us, as if alchemy was transformed before our eyes, as if even our smells were going to affect our hypothalamus and stunning, sguadi that freeze the blood, smile that make us blush as if we were still children, then the first contact where harmony and wellbeing pervades not only our body but our soul and so begins a long journey made small gestures of hands that you are searching in the night and over the years Our passion is changed becomes a tenderness toward each other, it becomes a safety of a person who can understand our hearts and our needs, which makes the wall for us when we are in trouble and this can last forever if we speak with humility and not hide who we are in front of who we really are without inhibitions and never hold a grudge in my heart, I think this is possible even where everything seems to be changing, infinite love is a hope that can be a reality if only we put ourselves bare inside ourselves and protect ourselves with the ideals that we have created to love and be loved with all shapes and changes our relationship to affix the time, it will always be our beautiful and only if they struggled to keep alive in ourselves.
But then when we were confronted with a feeling called love, and his hands toccani our hair and our bodies, we can excite us, but without ever reveal what it explodes inside, our practice is a symptom of Our close to the truth of the expression of a feeling, we expressed only when his hands caress our hair more, now when we think of fall injuries in mourning a lost love, and tells broad shoulders, this gesture for us called the outburst, but the truth that we have a weakness, we do not want to see, but only for a sense of belonging, it is not all like that, but they are few and rare men who know how to communicate with the heart, speak the truth the purity of a mind not misled over and over again from that animal instinct that we sometimes take, there are few men who refuse to be controlled by several centimeters quell’appendice that nature gave us, but now these people who are a rarity to say the women are strong and there too, the year a mind that Climb every mountain, and once even they are put to the test, show a strongly motivated by a calm mind is not pure Forvo from demonstrating, with their know a few words to reassure and protect what they love, but never impose themselves by their words, musical notes of love, which go straight to the heart, surrounding a beauty that time can not change, because the weather will change our bodies but our soul will remain unchanged over time. There are two races in a single sex, it is up to women to decide whether the appearance is more important than the essence, there is no better or worse than men in this respect, it is for those looking for a man the choice, women are the dominatrci of this choice, aware that at times took a huge universe of individuals are not clear what is best for them, but over time each person is a suitable choice, which if done with awareness of the truth they find in them makes them happy ever, otherwise you submit to the search of the man who makes women in every respect, turning the page on that book that we call life between men and women meet.
Infinite Love
One thing that unites people in the universe is the feeling in its purest form “love” many times we wondered who would be a good person or that we continue to see the stereotypes that we were being offered by media images, then as the reality was much more going on in chasing our dreams fell down as if in troubled situations within the sea of emotions we were always in the storm, this was the age of adolescence with something that no one forgets her gale emotions and tears made to have felt riufiutati and wounded by a strong but fast situation, then as always we remain even if we do not want to find something or someone, tell that our freedom is being independent, with no one to which we want accountability, but in truth, there racconntiamo a dream that fills our lack of love and as time goes on we want more love, love the only thing I know to change our emotional state more than one drug, the feeling is so intoxicating in the first moments of a birth of a report that we walk over the sky and so we move forward in our history.
The story that we undertake is sometimes closed, truncated or betrayed and we fall into the abyss of the deepest pain, we reject the reality of things within us, we give an apology, we try to mend things that are not repaired, because only in our consciousnessthere is the acceptance that life has given us a sign, and that’s up to us to understand the positive thing when the wound is healed, then after several attempts and finally falls as for all people, comes the storm that triggers the Acquaintances of individual lightning perfect for us, as if alchemy was transformed before our eyes, as if even our smells were going to affect our hypothalamus and stunning, sguadi that freeze the blood, smile that make us blush as if we were still children, then the first contact where harmony and wellbeing pervades not only our body but our soul and so begins a long journey made small gestures of hands that you are searching in the night and over the years Our passion is changed becomes a tenderness toward each other, it becomes a safety of a person who can understand our hearts and our needs, which makes the wall for us when we are in trouble and this can last forever if we speak with humility and not hide who we are in front of who we really are without inhibitions and never hold a grudge in my heart, I think this is possible even where everything seems to be changing, infinite love is a hope that can be a reality if only we put ourselves bare inside ourselves and protect ourselves with the ideals that we have created to love and be loved with all shapes and changes our relationship to affix the time, it will always be our beautiful and only if they struggled to keep alive in ourselves.
Broken dreams Too many nights to repeat the experience of mystical dream that cuts in half reality and fantasy, think and rethink which half will sure thing, then vanishes as always the thought in everyday life. The disorder companies stuns all thoughts of the day, the primary objective is to find a moment of apparent calm, now the day is over, the mind is waiting for the rest, now the spotlight off the evening’s hustle and bustle of the city, it’s time to rest , it’s time to sleep waiting for another day. The night the storm of ideas and dreams that contorts my body sweating suddenly wakes up, it is now clear the target now I know what I do, everything lights up around me, those contorted figures who have accompanied me for many nights hours are sharp and clear images. The memory that I had canceled resurfaces in my dreams, and I follow the instinct to predict the phone and call … the phone rings and she at one point with his voice warm and inviting replies, softly I express the only thing I have in mind, the only thing that has surfaced in the night in my dreams and the phrase “I still think of you” goes out from my lips thin as a whistle, a moment of silence in what seems a life time. I know the history and the error that has separated our two souls, the weakness of the flesh has taken the upper hand for a moment in the hot summer while he was away, I faint hot and I took the opportunity of a night of love with a chance meeting of an evening where you were not with me. The weakness of the flesh has overshadowed an instinctive feeling as overwhelming, I could not resist a woman with a look that has blinded the love I feel for you, now I have no excuses, the passion was there that night with that woman to me until that time unknown, then the fire was extinguished and the reason is returned to me. Remorse for what I did led me to tell you all, and you look lost and with eyes full of tears, you’re gone, now time has passed, but time does not forget some mistakes that hurt indelibly the diary of love of the heart, remove a stain there, a pain that remains alive. Moment of silence wears off the phone and you do not have the words, but I hear your cry then nothing. In a moment of hope fades to talk to you again, hope fades for a forgiveness that does not matter, you broke my heart like an arrow that bounces against a wall I feel wounded, my heart is broken and can not find reasons, I do not hope to erase that moment of weakness that made me lose the woman I love.
Too many sighs and moments pass before our souls will find peace, maybe they’ll turn huge and one day will meet again, perhaps time will heal the wounds, for now the torment of a second error remains alive in me as an indelible mark Lifetime brand that will mark the reality of losing you, my sweet love, in the moment everything is broken and in life, perhaps nothing will come back, it will remain only a dream shattered.
Too many sighs and moments pass before our souls will find peace, maybe they’ll turn huge and one day will meet again, perhaps time will heal the wounds, for now the torment of a second error remains alive in me as an indelible mark Lifetime brand that will mark the reality of losing you, my sweet love, in the moment everything is broken and in life, perhaps nothing will come back, it will remain only a dream shattered.
The feelings of love without borders How many breaths it will take before you find the center of my soul, and intrinsically complex as a forest full of trees and plants. A long deep breath until the domain is complete and the mind focused and surrounded by the light reaches the neutral point: no more internal conflicts and the serenity of thought emerges with sweetness, and I do wind down ‘with the flow of energy phase is triggered by my meditation. All around me takes on a dull sound, rearrange the feel confused, I find a sense of anger, boredom, pain and the power source leads me to an awareness of who they are and the happiness around me.
Now we can approach life differently: our minds are open to knowledge, open to life … ..our discipline become our closest friend and a story today comes from the desire to express simple emotions mixed with a creative imagination … … bring ‘excitement to the hearts of people is a beautiful gift that is priceless, but sets us free to express Humility is a story that we have inside us.
We are ready for a new day, perhaps one of many of our lives, and we are full of energy because we have a role that will carry forward. Love with the ‘intensity of the light of our heart, our body is just a tool to transmit sensations brain, we have reached the most complete ecstasy knowledge of us and our body, now love has a different meaning.
We look forward to a special meeting, we are ready to show loved ones that have changed in form but not in the concept of who we are, love as a violin player that vibrates with elegance that beautiful instrument without time, that his melodies reach us sound levels with no equal. Now we really respect those who love, hear and feel its vibrations and we transform all this in the notes of love. Imaginary fluids are mixed with humor, the warm flesh radiates our skin, the smell of leather is intoxicating, and we lose control of the words that become soft and hard at the same time seem endless moments, we do not want the story stops, the breath becomes intense instinct leads us to ecstasy common, we are satisfied we both loved as never before, countless moments of a unique intimacy, we are happy and we continue to cuddle and never touch the hands stop.
You and I are a never ending dream, a symbiosis of soul and body that breaks down in one night if it remains unchanged, we love each other for who we are, there are no comparisons to be exhibited and words to waste our breath vibrates within us and gives us love one another as the lifeblood for us, no ifs, ands or buts. This is an unconditional love did not single but multiple elements, are and will remain a merger in our little universe, we love.
The intimacy of kisses forgotten
Years have come and gone, time has carved our faces that are no longer those of the past, the sweet words have given way to the daily ritual of words, the values have not changed … … But that warmth that illuminated our hearts is imprinted in my mind as an indelible memory that I can not shut up in the box oblivion. The weather still unites us, not separate us, everything around us has grown, we are only now in front of the passion of a small time, passion as the rarefied air of the summit of that mountain that day is far away, I can not forget the meeting with you, that time has forever marked my destiny.
I still remember the moment like a movie that I kissed for the first time, nothing will ever cloud that immense feeling of warmth that I felt, I shook your body as if that moment will never end, your lips merged into one as my breath, we were infinite for a moment one body, the passion of that moment still kindles the best memory inside of me, lots of kisses and endless have marked our path, warmed our bodies, on light a path that still today we do together, the intimacy of a time can not fade over the years, perhaps once the heat was a bright red, were in harmony in our courtship and love with those long hot kisses. Today I remember with nostalgia the time of a fire, the flame was never extinguished, only the clock marks less sparks, but only because time will overwhelm with its thousand things, but at that time that remains for us, in Our privacy today, your kisses sweet and warm my heart so close as before, at that moment I review the time back that this was the constant of our union, but perhaps in our evolution, nothing has changed only Time robs us of the intimacy of kisses forgotten. This time it seems that sometimes our tyrant, do not ever stop the love and warmth of my kisses, those forgotten by us will come like a storm of passion, remember them with our intimacy that takes on after time our love without end.
Now we can approach life differently: our minds are open to knowledge, open to life … ..our discipline become our closest friend and a story today comes from the desire to express simple emotions mixed with a creative imagination … … bring ‘excitement to the hearts of people is a beautiful gift that is priceless, but sets us free to express Humility is a story that we have inside us.
We are ready for a new day, perhaps one of many of our lives, and we are full of energy because we have a role that will carry forward. Love with the ‘intensity of the light of our heart, our body is just a tool to transmit sensations brain, we have reached the most complete ecstasy knowledge of us and our body, now love has a different meaning.
We look forward to a special meeting, we are ready to show loved ones that have changed in form but not in the concept of who we are, love as a violin player that vibrates with elegance that beautiful instrument without time, that his melodies reach us sound levels with no equal. Now we really respect those who love, hear and feel its vibrations and we transform all this in the notes of love. Imaginary fluids are mixed with humor, the warm flesh radiates our skin, the smell of leather is intoxicating, and we lose control of the words that become soft and hard at the same time seem endless moments, we do not want the story stops, the breath becomes intense instinct leads us to ecstasy common, we are satisfied we both loved as never before, countless moments of a unique intimacy, we are happy and we continue to cuddle and never touch the hands stop.
You and I are a never ending dream, a symbiosis of soul and body that breaks down in one night if it remains unchanged, we love each other for who we are, there are no comparisons to be exhibited and words to waste our breath vibrates within us and gives us love one another as the lifeblood for us, no ifs, ands or buts. This is an unconditional love did not single but multiple elements, are and will remain a merger in our little universe, we love.
The intimacy of kisses forgotten
Years have come and gone, time has carved our faces that are no longer those of the past, the sweet words have given way to the daily ritual of words, the values have not changed … … But that warmth that illuminated our hearts is imprinted in my mind as an indelible memory that I can not shut up in the box oblivion. The weather still unites us, not separate us, everything around us has grown, we are only now in front of the passion of a small time, passion as the rarefied air of the summit of that mountain that day is far away, I can not forget the meeting with you, that time has forever marked my destiny.
I still remember the moment like a movie that I kissed for the first time, nothing will ever cloud that immense feeling of warmth that I felt, I shook your body as if that moment will never end, your lips merged into one as my breath, we were infinite for a moment one body, the passion of that moment still kindles the best memory inside of me, lots of kisses and endless have marked our path, warmed our bodies, on light a path that still today we do together, the intimacy of a time can not fade over the years, perhaps once the heat was a bright red, were in harmony in our courtship and love with those long hot kisses. Today I remember with nostalgia the time of a fire, the flame was never extinguished, only the clock marks less sparks, but only because time will overwhelm with its thousand things, but at that time that remains for us, in Our privacy today, your kisses sweet and warm my heart so close as before, at that moment I review the time back that this was the constant of our union, but perhaps in our evolution, nothing has changed only Time robs us of the intimacy of kisses forgotten. This time it seems that sometimes our tyrant, do not ever stop the love and warmth of my kisses, those forgotten by us will come like a storm of passion, remember them with our intimacy that takes on after time our love without end.
The warmth of your hands Our eyes meet in a fraction of a moment, we are far apart but our souls are already in the chemistry that ignites a passion, I feel strong and fearless, you proud and unattainable, your divine vision in the mass, in looking at spaces no longer have walls, a single light illuminates our faces that you seek, the first contact is near. The steps are eternal and slow, and looked at him from a distance becomes more intense, and now we are facing each other, I decrease the size of me in front of you, in front of your divine figure, almost designed to meet the words disappear, then the courage to tear out the words to the fear and the meeting begins.
We whisper words, knowledge begins with the statement, I can not lie, I myself, and now simply relaxed, as if your figure had always been of my knowledge, then the words are becoming more complicated, a tune that I leads to dare, basically I can not curb my nature as a hunter, but in one moment you take over and takes my hands, the hunter becomes the prey in an instant. His hands give off heat reassure my heart went crazy, a complicity at the limit of my understanding, his hands with their warmth of her talk of his desire, I am stunned and increasingly attracted to, but I want to be with her man back, baby she controls the game of love and passion, she uses all his weapons against me, I can only surrender to his will, with great silence and leave the meeting place, now we are already complicit in that night and Time stands still, the night is ours, my mind already tastes and sees our dancing bodies twisting in the game of love, I can already see the union of our souls merge in a single breath, feel the warmth of his hands warmskin up to drive me crazy, then take a break and come back to me, I take control, the dream is interrupted abruptly, a hissing sound in my head, I’m still stunned, then the truth becomes obvious, it is morning and I have to wake up from that dream so real it made me crazy tonight.
by consapevolezzadellanima
We whisper words, knowledge begins with the statement, I can not lie, I myself, and now simply relaxed, as if your figure had always been of my knowledge, then the words are becoming more complicated, a tune that I leads to dare, basically I can not curb my nature as a hunter, but in one moment you take over and takes my hands, the hunter becomes the prey in an instant. His hands give off heat reassure my heart went crazy, a complicity at the limit of my understanding, his hands with their warmth of her talk of his desire, I am stunned and increasingly attracted to, but I want to be with her man back, baby she controls the game of love and passion, she uses all his weapons against me, I can only surrender to his will, with great silence and leave the meeting place, now we are already complicit in that night and Time stands still, the night is ours, my mind already tastes and sees our dancing bodies twisting in the game of love, I can already see the union of our souls merge in a single breath, feel the warmth of his hands warmskin up to drive me crazy, then take a break and come back to me, I take control, the dream is interrupted abruptly, a hissing sound in my head, I’m still stunned, then the truth becomes obvious, it is morning and I have to wake up from that dream so real it made me crazy tonight.
by consapevolezzadellanima