The face displays the expressions that sends the mind, unconscious expressions that protect our life and this reinforces the word, the contact is away, countless hidden spaces and distant horizons that do not admire the landscape in its majesty and peace.
Everything is amplified, noise alone, his face contorted exposes the dissent of life, pain of living that seems rampant, comments and words, are too full of this, why? It remains an endless search, capillary, which is not always appropriate responses at the time that people live.
Wayfarers of the words that are not exposed responses, meetings to seek what they seem endless illusions, then you realize more and more, everything is pure and as an actor reads a fantastic live experience of acting together, everything is beautiful in the end, silence took the floor and seems to be a controversial show, but it remains a possible experience. Only it is not obvious, because it is in us and that we live in the states, the need to relate this to anything, who would understand? Madness is the word on the use, beautiful and mystic who says everything and nothing in the millennium which we live, where normality is always apparent, but the end is always given as an absolute limit to those in which his life can not understand nor hear.
The silence must speak, this is just a feeling, because if we live for moments or even forever and play it's no wonder the players do not want is a never put anyone on a different level, freedom is to accept This is a fixed point that arises in the non-judgmental, easy to live in what the theater of life offers. The person who feels determitati concepts, is free to think and say whatever he wants, so nothing changes if a person claims a thesis is absurd to say is not true, then in his talk, my living and your silence, but silence is not exposes words, silence is deep and everything will be told not penetrate, they will, as a thing devoid of appearance.
The great thing is to feel free of these patterns, in the end, the question always arises of how to do to have this. I think and I say this for my simple experience that you have to give something for something, and that nothing happens like a miracle according to observe life without doing anything would be simple and complex at the same time, but I remain convinced however, that we can have a particular condition only if we start from a principle of acceptance and listening to ourselves, where we are observers of us. Then decide what path do is spontaneous, there 'meditator, there is' those who dive into various kinds of practices that provide for our self, the options are endless, but all are not without hard work and climbing.
Wondering if you have results? It 'the first error that one does is to not ask and do you accept the bet and the risk of the thing, but it is nice to be free and peaceful and all without a hope becomes what we want. Over time it all makes sense and the pain of living with those interminable sentences that break in the mind fall silent and the silence begins to speak, but then again this should be a research done consciously and not so much because I say I can or can not have this but simply because no one can ever promise to let us have, and ask the expectation undo it all, is a simple way where walking without posing too many problems and get a result that is coming is always a gift full of mystery.
Is free to walk away with nothing to ask and becomes the "rumor" that lives in the mind, because the silence has now taken the word, who say that we are, say and refute it, nothing will import, if we'll get to that, we will be actors with actors and silent in ourselves and always happy. We will not be absent in contact with life and pretend to be actors in the midst of the actors who are conceited and always want to be beyond us, we will be involved and ridereme happy, but we've found, and no peace and no one can touch us in our deep, back home after many quarrels, the faithful will remain in that place where he was born, will not be with us and in us. This is the one that says "silence speaks" a simple life where we are free and calm and happiness there is taken away, because it has strong roots in us, and then remains and is perpetuated.
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