Everything seems too simple, in this moment, someone near or far from us, is sick. An evil, which is not often told, let alone want to see. To date, we are far from that symptom called charity: understanding, acceptance, and healing ourselves through ...
The time now leads to the continuous discovery of new alternatives in various medical fields, is always news to soothe those who suffer from illnesses such as anxiety, panic, etc.. To date there are miracles to heal? The medicine has made leaps and bounds in the matter, but the miracle of a complete recovery is still dependent upon us. Often, medications are helpful, and if so nobody can say otherwise.The medical endeavors in this research, also because we think that these are diseases and are now growing more and more. All this highlights the growing unease, in a silence more and more, where it is difficult to even talk about it. Saying this, there is the total number of people who now suffer from these diseases, it would be unthinkable to say a similar data. In fact, this is a script that is based on factors, cognitive much narrower and data read from various magazines. Notwithstanding that, it wrote, are also highlighted alternatives to the present, may help suppress or enhance these diseases.Given all this, which is required today in order to avoid misunderstandings. We can jump right into this quick guide, which could now be a message for those who still fight against these diseases.
All treatments have a very valid, and according to my personal point of view, all give excellent results. But at the same time of such care, often arises a desire to leave before these "situations", that being intimate is often so difficult to talk openly.This happens because the system that surrounds many people today, not seen in such situations the discomfort or illness itself, who at that moment we all live. In fact, people often do not expose it, hold it right in the reserve. I personally see in this division: From one point of view is completely understandable, on the other hand it would be important to be free to say I have .. this and that. It would be a safety valve and a logical comparison, but then it happens that people who are in the circle of our knowledge, can then expose theories based on hearsay or on a personal projection. Thus, it becomes complex for those who are interested in finding a real true support, which really be supported and brought into decision making. (Decisions must always be born to us, everything we put in place is always an important step).This situation is of course a sample, and not a static datum.
To date, anxiety, panic and fear in general are growing among the people, this in my humble opinion, is indication of what is really happening to the society in which we live. Perhaps we are too focused on the external planes of life, or perhaps we are too conditioned apex? This is a dilemma that does not find a definite answer, life sure is not in and of itself, and on an absolute truth does not exist. The rest is not needed because in my opinion have a net and consolidated, although it could be interesting for those who study these diseases on it.If so, you discover the real origin and early appropriate treatment, a sort of eternal happiness of the vaccine. It would be wonderful all of this. But still the recipe for happiness that there is no vaccine, and as such we are the first who must find a solution. All this must be done according to medical considerations, which can not be excluded. But as I see and interpret it, you should not do the "so-called do-it-yourself". There are people prepared to rely on their own and as such is a first step toward feeling better. It 'an acceptance that you have a problem and this should be seen positively.
In all this there are endless possibilities, putting those who have this kind of problem, we can now define the disease, in a position to add to such care, other forms of healing.
The example I know best and I can witness it is the Yoga and Meditation, which go perfectly with these traditional treatments, which as mentioned above have a solid foundation for a healing of these diseases, such as anxiety and panic and so on. In fact, you have to do a simple consideration, these diseases have different intensities from person to person, as such, does not create an index it is certainly a specialist who is not on. But understanding that certain skills are doctors and psychologists, etc.. Starting a business focused on self-knowledge and the form in which we are composed, body, mind and spirit, gives help to all that at the same time we are doing about it. Also because today, there are many disciplines that can help the healing process itself. And as such we have the opportunity to take a full step to get better.It remains one of our free to decide on what the most appropriate route for us. This is a message that should lift us even more, because under certain conditions severe and less severe, more help is always a good thing.
Consider that even a huge disappointment in love, it creates a discomfort in us, which is often, if exceeded, but at the same time legacies. Since this is a condition that goes for many inner pain and fits entirely in a disease. You must understand that whatever it is, have a support call into our self-esteem and sense of life itself can be a great ally.
Over time, I can safely say, that he knew people in these disciplines have found a true born again, and I do not have that expressed their healing that was created by themselves. In fact, yoga and meditation can give them and all the disciplines which include an inner path offer tangible and realistic ideas to start "giving a hand."Yoga in itself is a discipline very effective, which puts the individual in contact with its unfulfilled potential and does not pose any antagonism towards the higher individuals who participate in lessons and this makes them uncomfortable. Why not relate with examples of growth on, then we shall hear in what direction we are and where we really arrived. Meditation is often associated with different disciplines and I practice yoga both in practical lessons in my daily life. It has an effect to help our inner process, bringing it in this case to aid in healing. Saying this, I can not say that these are effective for all disciplines, partly because it would expose a truth that does not possess. But like all people can witness it directly and indirectly, and saying that I expose what I've seen it happen for me, for I have known several people.
One thing remains certain: we who must be aware of how we are and that we should not even feel isolated and estranged. There are very good doctors, and that can help us as close acquaintances of ourselves first, we can increase the healing process, just by trying to associate one of the many disciplines that are now available to us.
The thing that often happens and that poses the real tragedy of all this, is to accept that you have a problem. Accepting one begins to understand that it is important to be helped. At the same time we do not feel isolated in this. Born in us the first form of consciousness. That over time more and more increases, noting the small steps towards improvement.It 'a human right, feel good and we must never forget, as we should not forget that give confidence to those who want to help put us in a base of self-esteem. Who does not believe in himself finds it difficult to trust others. It remains understood that in certain phases of our lives is difficult to have confidence. Because when we live in certain situations that can lead to disease, a condition we cause and effect, discouraged. Of course this does not belong to all the people who lived it and live it today. As already said there is no index, so everyone is saying.
Besides, this paper has no intention to say that the absolute truth of these words alive. The aim is simply to encourage those who live a state of distress, is to give support to a very small thing. We must always remember that we are too individualistic and give a sign, even if small is synonymous with life and love. Clearly, not everybody will appreciate the gesture, however small. In life there are divisions and as such incorporate a message is personal.
The healing begins with you, it is an incentive to believe that we can cure these diseases, and says in summary, that all "vehicles" that bring benefit are positive and sometimes you have to try to believe that these means we have a value. Without too much thinking about what could be the very end of suffering. What has value is not project the idea towards the end but a beginning to see that shows the improvements, the rest will be the consequence.
In us there are many resources, often misunderstood awaiting a stimulus to be revealed in all their energy, we can as we may try this, to find healing.
In conclusion: whether to be happy and feel good is our right, we know that there are people prepared to find this, there are means that can be effective allies in the middle of a journey towards being well. And we know that we always start the first step towards this.
Note: This article is a personal way to see the healing and does not want to be in contradiction with those who see and think differently, being in a free world, there is freedom of opinion, that takes nothing away from those who work in the industry with professionalism and seriousness in the field of medicine and alternative treatments. For which renewed my respect and admiration.
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